Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Reflection Number Nine

I have always been one to believe that you can always learn something new if you just allow yourself to be open minded and this believe proved to be true once I concluded my reading of this article. Through my reading of this article I was able to learn many new things on the topics of beliefs, convictions, values and many other topics that revolve around development and people in general. Though I learned many things, one conclusion seemed to stand out above the rest.

As a pre-professional educator, I believe that it is my job to be respectful of all the beliefs and values my future students will possess. Though I have come across many educators who feel children don’t know what they believe and it is our job to shape their beliefs, I feel that it does not always work that way. After reading the definition and aspects of what a belief and a value is, I came to realize that though children are young and often times have not experienced the word enough to have a conclusive belief and value on things, they still hold their standpoints on various issues. This concept is one that I feel is most important for all teachers to remember. Many times students are thought of as just children; however, students are people the same as everybody else and they often hold more complex beliefs on things than adults do. Students have voices and I feel that as a teacher, to be, it is my job to harbor such voice and give it an outlet to speak freely and learn about the other voices around them.

Parallel to teaching me a many new things, this article went to act as a support to my predisposed feelings towards teacher sad n the role they must fulfill. I believe that teachers are there to help guide students so that they can learn how to make educated and well thought out decisions. It is a teacher’s duty to facilitate a fun learning environment that work to help broaden a Childs horizon, not change it to fit a horizon that the teacher sees as being fit. This article allowed me to see and learn that a belief, value, and conviction, though often times well grounded can be changed- in the same way a paradigm can. Though in order to do so one must acknowledge the validity of the previously held belief; they must do this in a not only constructive manner, but in a way that works to show that person a new outlook in hopes that they will grow to view things in a different light.

Overall, I feel that this article is one that all future and current teachers should read for it not only teachers you many interesting things, but it goes to help demonstrate the gravity of what a belief is and how it helps to shape a person’s mind set.

Reflection Number Eight

I have always been one to believe that Feud, though seen as a monumental figure to the world of child psychology and development, was a rather strange character. Before reading this article I’d first learn of Feud and his theories in my high school psychology class and continued to learn more about him when I enrolled in a psychology class at my university. Even though I found his work to be astonishing for his era, I always felt his perspective and take on things were rather anomalous. After taking time to read this article, I found myself with the same notion on Feud; reading this article only went to act as reinforcement to my previously held stance on Feud and his works. However, reading this article did allow me to learn something new. Upon my conclusion of the passage, I was able to see why Feud and his works, though a strange character, are thought so highly of even by those who do not agree with all of his takes on development and theories.

Through my reading of this article I was able to learn that Feuds theories revolved greatly around the act of sexual intercourse. Feud describes sex as being a process of procreation; therefore it, in a since, should be the focus of all research work since it brings to life everything. Though this view is one that holds some validity, as a whole, society does not hold the same standpoint on sexual intercourse. It is my understanding that to many, sexual intercourse is seen as this sacred experience that is to be shared between two people who love each other and are bound to by marriage. Yes, it is used to procreate, but it is not the foundation for child development. Due to this opposite view’s society and Feud has on sex; many have come to stand at opposite points than Feud. Though society, in general, stands at odds with Freudian theory, I believe that many still find his work to be important because of the fact that his work and theories have created a foundation for theorist since. In correlation to his theories having built a foundation for theorist since, several of Feuds theories have proven to hold a level of validity. An example of this is Feuds Topographical Model.

All in all, this article has proven to be quite informative. Though it proved to act as reinforcement for my previous notions on Freudian theories, it also allowed some light to be shed on information I did not know before.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reflection Number Seven

Upon my conclusion of the article “ Teaching for Inclusion” I felt as though I’d learned not only a great deal of information of teaching to a diverse population but that I now am knowledgeable about various techniques to assist is running an effective classroom. I have always known that when I decided to embark on the journey to become an educator I would have to learn about the various cultures I would encounter in my future classrooms. Though this particular task is one that I consider to be easy, learning ways in which to adhere to the needs of all the diverse students would be the block in my journey. After reading this article I was able to learn new ways in which to tend to the needs of my various students. Through my reading of this article, I learned of the ways to help students as well as myself overcome the assumptions they may hold against other cultures. Through this article I was also able to learn of the importance and methods I could employ in order to set effective guidelines for any and all classroom discussions and lesson plans.

“Teaching for Inclusion” allowed me to learn of the vitality build into creating a classroom to be that of a community. I was able to learn of ways to assess students as individuals rather than as a whole. I learned ways in which to monitor the comments students may have against each other as well as what problems may come with any given lesson and ways to oppose them before they arise. This article also went to reinforce and reiterate the fact that as a pre-professional educator, I will have to be innovative. It will be my duty to constantly change and find new ways of incorporating group work, humor, and encourage student involvement in my classroom. All these elements go to not only create an effectively running classroom but it will allow me to create an outlet for all children to grow in as well as me. This environment will allow for students to reach their full potential in outlets that they can enjoy and truly learn new things. Next to learning methods in which to teach a class and form a lesson this article also allowed me to become informed on the various ways in testing and grading students of a diverse nature. I learned of the various formats and techniques that come with evaluating students so that they are graded fairly. All in all, this article proved to be very informative and quite enjoyable; for it not only taught me of the important role I play in a classroom of diverse students, but it showed me new methods I could utilize in my future classrooms.

Responce to poem "Arizona Gotdamn"

This piece is truly one written in an ironic tone. It commences with what seems to be describing a beautiful element of Arizona and of its entirety. However, within a few lines it begins to describe Arizona by its wrong doings. With commentary in reflection of John McCain and of Arizona’s final agree to celebrate and commemorate Martin Luther King day, this poem in turns goes to describe Arizona through its darker side; a side that truly makes you question Arizona’s true intentions.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Responce to poem "Most Interesting of our American Birds"

Upon conclusion of this poem I found myself rather confused as to the message behind it. Though after a second gander over it, I was able to see it’s a relation to the oil spill that occurred not too long ago. Once I was able to grasp at the pieces connection, I found that this poem holds much validity; for the oil incident is one that has and will have a detrimental effect on nature and all its elements. From my interpretation, the bird in this piece represents nature as a whole entity and it is this same entity that is now damaged in a distraught manner that can never be restored to its earlier condition. The same way the cause of this situation to the bird was caused by man is the same way the condition of the environment right now is caused by man. After reading this piece though, one element continues to stand out, what are we going to do to fix it since we caused it?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Reflection Number Six

Upon my conclusion of these particular passages, I learned about what rites of passages are and their relation to culture, but I was also able to learn about different rites of passages found in the world. Though rites of passages are not put into action in order to change a person physically, but more so on a spiritual and emotional level, they are acts that are still actions that are vital; for they depict and continue to keep alive a cultures traditions. It is inevitable that as years continue to pass and generations continue to grow and develop certain cultural traditions may dwindle away and no longer but put into action. However, actions such as rites of passage are ones that continue to remain an important part of a culture; for it is what many view to be the development of one life stage to another and ones passage to a high societal plateau. This is concept and act of passage is one that, in my opinion, is rather important because of its cultural gravity. It is an aspect that began years ago and it allows people to connect with their heritage.

The three tales of Facing Mt Kenya, Sitting Quietly, and the Sambia all go to discuss the tales, traditions, and rites of passage for three different groups of people. Though all three very different in tale, they all have a way of connecting with education. Though now a day, a formal education is one that many view as being taught in a school, it is something that can be taught anywhere. First and foremost, the terms “formal education” are two that are defined by each culture differently; for it reflects what is seen as formal to that culture as well as what is needed to be learned in order to reside and progress in that culture. Though, relating these passages to the American view of formal culture, these passages go to show that education is what you take from it. It is not something that another will place into your head to remember, it is something that you, as an individual need to comprehend and learn how to apply to your everyday life; the same way the boys is the passage “Sitting Quietly” did.

These articles also allowed me to reflect on that fact that education is a form of passage. As a child continues to progress in their formal education and as they move from elementary to middle to high school and then to college they are developing. They are learning the skills and knowledge needed in order to progress in society and as they do so they too grow and develop spiritually and emotionally. The same way a rite of passage is established to do.

Reflection Number Five

After concluding my reading of the passage "Little Rock Nine", I began to reflect on y feelings not only towards the situation that took place during that time, but what my reaction would have been if placed in that situation. First and foremost I realized that those students who chose and continued to go to school I hold un-measureable respect for; for they not only had to endure such criticism and fear of treating reaction from others, but they continued to pursue what they were driven to have, and education. Though I have been, and continue to be one who drives to get an education, if I would have been placed in that era and would have had to deal with all the negative actions of others I honestly feel as though I would have given up. Though I seldom admit to being scared or intimidated, keeping true to self, I am one that does not like and, on average, keeps away from drama and all that it embodies. Therefore, if I were to be told that I need armed guards in place in order to enter a school, my school, I would have avoided the situation entirely. For having an armed guard present signifies not only present drama but it represents possible life threatening danger; a danger that I would want and have wanted to steer clear of.

Though I do avoid drama, name calling is something that I normally let go in one ear and out the other; for people’s negativity and negative words are only a waste of their time for I find no need to respond to them. Therefore, if I would have been placed in a situation when I would have had to deal with people shouting and throwing slurs, I would have been fine. In that particular situation, I would have probably used it as ammunition to work hard to excel in order to prove those people wrong. I would have worked as hard as I could to show them that while they waste their time verbally harassing me, they do not affect me.

Overall this passage is one that allowed me to appreciate and cherish my education more that before; for it allowed me to see the extent people went to in order to receive an education. As well as the harsh conditions they endured in order to do so and that, those particular people were and continue to be remembered as the path finder’s of education for the minority community.

Reflection Number Four

I have always known that culture was, in a sense, an indefinable term. I always knew that though indefinable, it encompasses many aspects that people identify with and use to define themselves. Though after reading the passage, “Culture: What is it?” I gained new insight on what culture is and how it is seen by many and defined as. To begin with, I was unaware that the term culture had undergone so many changes in definition over the years. I learned that as a new era would dawn onto society, culture would change to fit the movement taking place during that time frame, [i.e. the Victorian era]. A second thing I learned, which I found rather interesting, was that culture is something that spans and encompasses all areas of human belief, actions, and practices. I never knew that it encompasses how people respond to situations and that it helps to dictate ones etiquette.

A third aspects about culture I was able to gain some insight on was that distinctions in “high culture” and the terms that parallel themselves with it. To begin with, I was not perfectly knowledge able of the exact definition of high culture; for I always assumed that it referred to an individual being able to broaden their horizon and learn new elements of others culture. Through reading, “Culture: What it is?” I was able to learn that not only did “high culture” refer to physically entities that many view as being better that that of others. I was also able to learn that the terms “ high cusine” and “high couture” were terms that aligned themselves with “high culture”; for they all dealt with some physically entity, some human object, that was seen as being of better quality when compared to others.

Parallel to the newly gained insights from “Culture: What it is?” I was also able to gain some knowledge from the article “Transformation: Creating Context, Part 2”. This article is one that went to show the incorporation of culture with the already established concept of transformation. Though this article gave me a lot of new information on culture and the rule it has in an individual’s transformation, one segment of information seems to stand out above the rest. Before reading this article, I was never aware that intercultural competence was the way in which people assimilate to other cultures. I was unaware that it described the way an individual can join or be in the mix with other cultures and function if not act as that other culture. As I read this article I found it rather fascinating to learn about the way people can function when in an area with many cultures or just another, that is not their own.

Overall I enjoyed both articles for they not only went to teach me about the two terms individually, but I was able to see the connection between the two; for it is that connection that determines how people act and identify themselves and with other around them.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Comment On Stormy Weather

First and foremost, the photo chosen as visual for this passage not only identifies with the emotions behind the poem but it goes to vividly portray the vision of art Lena Horne was. This piece is one that touches on a more emotional level, for it truly reaches into the depths of one’s feeling towards Lena and the paths she grounded for all else to follow. After viewing clips of her performances and then reading this passage it is easy to connect to what the author is saying. For him, not only was Lena a vision of wonder but she was, for him, love; a greater message that this piece goes to speak of. It is so to say that the admiration he holds for Lena is one that is defined by love; a definition that encompasses the profound complexities that are used to build the foundation for love and all the elements that are intertwined with it.

Respeonce to " Awaiting An Appropriate Provocation"

Awaiting an appropriate provocation is a piece that not only goes to bring light to the darkened truth of the Arizona SB1070 but it goes to draw its connection to similar times in our history. This piece poses the questions that many keep to themselves and put into irony the basis for SB1070’s creation. This passage asks the question and speaks the thoughts many try to keep hidden from the public ear. It does what many yearn to do; speak the truth and question the authority.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Quiz Number Two

Quiz Number Two

Reflection Number Three

Reading the passage, Frames, Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts, allowed me to not only gain insight on what a paradigm is but how it is a concept that is applicable and vital to pre-professional educators. As defined by the passage, The Paradigm Shift, a paradigm is sort of skeleton for ones thoughts. It is a method used to understand and give explanation to particular elements of what people title as reality. Though this paradigm is one that sets the foundation for how people view the world, it can be changed; through the process of a paradigm shifting. A paradigm shift is when new information and new experiences cause an individual to change their previous perspective of particular elements. It is when you take what you have learned and add it to what you already know to form a new notion on the matter. Both a paradigm and paradigm shifting, are concepts that can be found ubiquitously, however a prime location where these concepts thrive are in schools; for with the advancement of their knowledge base, children are always changing their viewpoints on previous conceptions.

Prior to reading this passage, I did not have a good understanding of what paradigms and paradigms shifts were. Upon my conclusion of the passage it became evident to me that they it is important to have the ability to identify my own paradigm and the shifts that it has made throughout the years. Of the many I have experienced, the one that continues to outshine the rest is the one that I experienced when I moved from Pennsylvania to South Florida. As a result to where I lived in the North, I was unaware that there were so many different types of cultures. The diversity was very little in my town and I always thought that the world was the same. It was not until I moved to South Florida that I realized just how many different cultures could be found in the United States. It was then I realized that my conceptions of the world and how society functioned was different. I came from an area where everybody knew everybody and people were always aware of what was happening in everybody lives. When I moved to Florida it was then I saw that the real world is not like my old town. I learned that there are many instances where you will live in an area and will not know everyone and all that is occurring in their lives. It wasn’t until I moved to Florida that I truly learned what it meant to be culturally diverse and through my experiences since I have learned that my previous conception of such a term was incorrect for it was only based from my knowledge of my small hometown.

Aside from having the ability to identify my own shifts throughout the years, but it is vital that I, as a pre-professional educator, experience such changes. Being that this country is culturally diverse, there will be many instances, as a teacher that I come across and work through different experiences. By having an open mind and a constant drive to learn new things, it is important that I be able to shift old standpoints ; for this will allow not only me to grow as a person but it will allow me to connect with various types of people and most importantly students.

Reflection Number Two

Upon completing my reading of this article, I found that my previous conception of multicultural awareness was incorrect. I have always believed multicultural awareness to simply be a state of maturity one reaches when they are able to broaden their horizon on the many cultures of the world. However, through reading this article I learned that though it is a level of maturity, it is one that is constructed from various elements. Most importantly, I came to the realization that this necessary level of maturity is one that occurs as a result of a transformation; a transformation that changes a person’s mental and emotional level.

This passage is one that I find to hold much validity; for its constructed definition for multicultural awareness is one that not only makes sense but it calls for the reader to reflect on their own position of awareness. This passage caused me, as a reader, to reflect and evaluate my thoughts on the term. It, in a sense, forced me to pull from my pass field experience in corporation with my present day life in order to assess my stage of transformation. It was through this analysis that I realized that though I consider myself to be a mature young lady, I have not reached a high level of multicultural awareness. Through my understanding of this passage, I was able to ponder on what past experiences have caused me to transform and what future experiences will allow me to reach a high level of multicultural awareness. Over the past two years I have been fortunate enough to have spent 105 hours in a classroom setting. During my time in these schools I not only worked and taught students, but I was mainly able to observe them and their interaction with the teacher as well as their peers. It was through this observation and interaction with the various students, that I was able to learn aspects of the various cultures residing in South Florida. Though I learned a lot through these interactions, after reading this passage I now realized that I still have must to learn. Though I was a bit disheartened to learn that what I already knew was only the tip of the iceberg, this passage inspired me to continue to learn about the various skills and knowledge bases needed in order to achieve multicultural awareness.

Although after reading the second passage, Transformation: Creating Context, Part 1, and my reaction was similar to that of the first passage, I found one aspect to the reading to stand out on its own. After reading the passage and taking time to reflect on what message it was aiming to convey, I found myself to be quite pleased; pleased because the article reinforced part of my educational philosophy. I have always been one who believed that educators play a vital role in helping students achieve a high level of self-esteem. This belief is one that the passage went to reinforce for it defined and described the various reasons why ones self-esteem is vital to ones transformation; a transformation that these articles allowed me to see is of the essence.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Reflection Number One

I have always been one to find interest in learning about the history of man; whether it is from the scientific standpoint or the religious. Therefore when I learned that I was to read The Prehistoric Human Use of Fire, The Invention of the Wheel, and The History of Writing I was instantly ecstatic. Upon my conclusion and analysis of the three passages I was able to reflect on the new information I had learned about the human ancestors. Through my analysis I found that though the three articles cover three different topics of human history, they all share a common theme. All three articles are founded on the inventions of mankind; writing, fire, the wheel and its components, and the concept of monogamy. These inventions, then later led to greater concepts and inventions which then created a domino effect- so to say. Though these articles speak of a time millions of years ago the same concepts of learning, creating, and evolving is one that can be seen today.

As human beings, it can be seen as almost a natural instinct to adapt to various situations. Through this adaption we are able to change and create elements that will work toward helping us to survive. This concept of learning, whether it be of the new situation or of manners in which to invent and create new things is one that I feel all educators should understand. As a pre-professional educator, I feel that the manner in which humans learn concepts is one that I have to know in order to be an effective educator; for it one thing to regurgitate information to a classroom and it’s another to teach them the material. As educators I feel it’s our duty to understand that what we teach to students will allow them to build new concepts upon; for I along with many other pre-professional educators, are the facilitators who create a foundation for students to advance upon.

Although, these tree articles are build to display and inform people of the creations of mankind’s ancestors, I believe that it also goes to display how humans, from the beginning, learn concepts and from that create new things. For in order to create and then advance things such as tools, fire, and wheels, and instinctive manner to understand a concept must be present; an instinctive manner that I feel has continued to carry itself through the years and can still be found in today.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Quiz One

Quiz Certificate One

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

About Me

Hello All,

My Name is Catheline and I am a Pre-professional Educator. For the past four years I have inspired to be an educator, and for the past two years I have been striving to achieve this goal. I am a Secondary English Education major with the concentration being in English and a Minor in British Literature. I am one who enjoys reading and analyzing a variety of literatures and I am always discussing my finding with those who choose to listen. I have been a tutor for the past six years and plan to continue to work with those who are in need of academic assistance. Though I am working towards being a Secondary educator, I do work with young children and am open minded to one day having ability to so. I believe that all children should be blessed with the privilege of a grade A education, and it is this same blessing that I hope to one day have the ability to execute so that all children will have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

I am a self driven and head strong individual who is determined to accomplish all aspired goals. I am an optimistic person who though believes in the positive also strongly believes in karma. I believe that first impressions are most important and everlasting; therefore making the best one is crucial. I am a very outgoing and enthusiastic person who is always willing to try something new; I am always looking for new ways to broaden my horizon. I am a reliable person who is always trust worthy and I am one who keeps a small group of friends dear. Though being blunt can sometimes be viewed as a negative characteristic, I am content with the fact that I am for it is an aspect that makes me who I am. Family orientated is something I work hard to be for they are my support and my encouragement through all I do. I am one who fluently speaks two languages aside from English and am working to have the ability to speak four. Overall, I am a person who knows who she is and is not ashamed of anything. I am proud of all that I have accomplished and only hope to achieve all my other hopes.