Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reflection Number Seven

Upon my conclusion of the article “ Teaching for Inclusion” I felt as though I’d learned not only a great deal of information of teaching to a diverse population but that I now am knowledgeable about various techniques to assist is running an effective classroom. I have always known that when I decided to embark on the journey to become an educator I would have to learn about the various cultures I would encounter in my future classrooms. Though this particular task is one that I consider to be easy, learning ways in which to adhere to the needs of all the diverse students would be the block in my journey. After reading this article I was able to learn new ways in which to tend to the needs of my various students. Through my reading of this article, I learned of the ways to help students as well as myself overcome the assumptions they may hold against other cultures. Through this article I was also able to learn of the importance and methods I could employ in order to set effective guidelines for any and all classroom discussions and lesson plans.

“Teaching for Inclusion” allowed me to learn of the vitality build into creating a classroom to be that of a community. I was able to learn of ways to assess students as individuals rather than as a whole. I learned ways in which to monitor the comments students may have against each other as well as what problems may come with any given lesson and ways to oppose them before they arise. This article also went to reinforce and reiterate the fact that as a pre-professional educator, I will have to be innovative. It will be my duty to constantly change and find new ways of incorporating group work, humor, and encourage student involvement in my classroom. All these elements go to not only create an effectively running classroom but it will allow me to create an outlet for all children to grow in as well as me. This environment will allow for students to reach their full potential in outlets that they can enjoy and truly learn new things. Next to learning methods in which to teach a class and form a lesson this article also allowed me to become informed on the various ways in testing and grading students of a diverse nature. I learned of the various formats and techniques that come with evaluating students so that they are graded fairly. All in all, this article proved to be very informative and quite enjoyable; for it not only taught me of the important role I play in a classroom of diverse students, but it showed me new methods I could utilize in my future classrooms.

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