Saturday, May 22, 2010

Reflection Number Five

After concluding my reading of the passage "Little Rock Nine", I began to reflect on y feelings not only towards the situation that took place during that time, but what my reaction would have been if placed in that situation. First and foremost I realized that those students who chose and continued to go to school I hold un-measureable respect for; for they not only had to endure such criticism and fear of treating reaction from others, but they continued to pursue what they were driven to have, and education. Though I have been, and continue to be one who drives to get an education, if I would have been placed in that era and would have had to deal with all the negative actions of others I honestly feel as though I would have given up. Though I seldom admit to being scared or intimidated, keeping true to self, I am one that does not like and, on average, keeps away from drama and all that it embodies. Therefore, if I were to be told that I need armed guards in place in order to enter a school, my school, I would have avoided the situation entirely. For having an armed guard present signifies not only present drama but it represents possible life threatening danger; a danger that I would want and have wanted to steer clear of.

Though I do avoid drama, name calling is something that I normally let go in one ear and out the other; for people’s negativity and negative words are only a waste of their time for I find no need to respond to them. Therefore, if I would have been placed in a situation when I would have had to deal with people shouting and throwing slurs, I would have been fine. In that particular situation, I would have probably used it as ammunition to work hard to excel in order to prove those people wrong. I would have worked as hard as I could to show them that while they waste their time verbally harassing me, they do not affect me.

Overall this passage is one that allowed me to appreciate and cherish my education more that before; for it allowed me to see the extent people went to in order to receive an education. As well as the harsh conditions they endured in order to do so and that, those particular people were and continue to be remembered as the path finder’s of education for the minority community.

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