Saturday, June 5, 2010

Reflection Eleven

The Holocaust is a topic that turns the stomach of many; for not only does it affect thousands if not millions on a personal level but it is an occurrence that opened the eyes of many on the effects ethnocentrism has on a society if it is not contained and diminished. As for me, the topic of the Holocaust is one that is sensitive, not because it affects me on a personal level but for the experiences I had been through dealing with the topic. In the months of June and July of 2006, I was fortunate enough to take part in the People to People Ambassadorial Program. In this program I was able to visit Italy, France, Austria, and Switzerland. Though the entire trip gave me some insight of the many cultures found around the world, the most influential part of the trip was my stay in Austria. This is so because during my travel through Austria I, along with my group, took a tour of one a concentration camp. During this tour we watched a vivid video reflecting and reviewing the events of the Holocaust and its effect on the countries citizens. After the viewing of the video we were taken around a museum that was build next to the camp where artifacts of the Holocaust were hung on display with cards of their individual history. After this was concluded we were taken through the actually grounds of the camp; a camp that years ago held millions prison and eventually to their death.

Reading these articles not only went to further inform me of the tragic events that led up to and constructed the Holocaust. Though the subject is one that, in general, makes me uneasy what disturbs me most is the ridiculous idea that many hold a belief that such an event did not occur; as though the pictures, films, and live testimony of the survivors isn’t enough to prove its occurrence. To think that some people can just discard this tragic and horrendous event as being of nonexistence is preposterous and just plain ludicrous to say the least. Though there are many instances where I believe people have the right to old their own point of view, the topic and validity of the Holocaust is not such an instance. I feel that this event in history is one that all such fully comprehend and get an in-depth understanding for, for it is a true eye opener. Not only did if effect millions worldwide, but it still continues to affect many today.

Overall, these articles are passages that all should read for not only is it informative on the events of the Holocaust, but it allows for people to become informed of the effects of such an occurrence on today generation.

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