Saturday, June 12, 2010

Reflection Thirteen

Prior to reading this article I had read immensely on race and racism; what they are and the role they have played in our society as well as the society of others. Of the many aspects that fall into both categories I always found it interesting how this country’s, in particular, foundation is build upon it. To think of how and why this country came about and the fact that its inhabitants with their proceeding generations spent much time demoralizing others due to a different ion of race is rather disturbing. Through my literature classes, along with a bit of historical review, this country came about when citizens of the European countries left to have religious freedom among several other freedoms. Upon their arrival here they, in considerable time, abolished the majority of the lands original habitants. Consequent to this slavery came about in this country which not only divided the country but was just the beginning of many years of turmoil for another minority race. To this day, certain racisms and race related issues remain.

Of all that I have read, both through these articles and from past readings, what I find the most interesting is that fact that, one, race is a term that is so fauve that it should not even exist; and two it how the term race has led to the division of human beings. For example the classification of “minorities” in comparison to what is seen as the “majority”. Personally, after reading all that I have on the subject, I feel that it is the creation of terms such as these, and the emphasis that is placed on them that divides society. Though as for the reasoning behind it all I am not informed enough to make a definite theory, however with reading articles such as these I have been able to conclude that the reasoning behind such grouping is due to the way human beings, as a whole, view the world. With respect to society as a whole, I feel that people, majority of the time, need things to be organized and labeled and categorized. Not only does it all allow for things to be organized but it allows humans to solace them self in a self-fulfilling hierarchy.

Overall, reading these articles and using it to link to other related articles really allowed for me to enforce my previously held position on race and racism. Though I feel that both terms should not exist I find it ironic how the very term that has caused so much turmoil in this country is what primarily caused the first flow of European immigrants. It all makes you wonder, is the golden ruling a truly effective rule?

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