Thursday, June 10, 2010

Reflection Number Fourteen

Upon my conclusion of this article I found myself slightly enraged; for this topic of discourse in this article is one that “hits home” due to my being of Haitian descent. Though I believe that those of Cuban descent should be allots all their already given rights and privileges, I strongly feel that the Haitians that came during the “Cuban-Haitian Entrants Lift” should be allotted that same privileges. This fact, that Haitians are treated differently than that of the Cuban culture could be seen as grounds for a charge of institutional racism. For why it is the black and ancestral African islanders not be permitted the wet feet/dry feet accessibility as permits.

Though prior to reading this article I have some knowledge of the Cuban history with the United States, reading this article introduced me to some new information. For example, I was unaware that over 00,000 Cubans immigrated to the United States during the revolutionary government movement. Through reading this article I was also able to learn a vast amount of information of the beginning of Castro reign. I learned of the various changes he made upon being appointed into political power and office. Through this gain of information I was able to realize why there are many who have dealt with turmoil in the country and why the inhabitant of Cuba would want to leave. Even though I do acknowledge that those of Cuban heritage have been through its governmental, social, and economical struggles, I believe that the past and current struggle in Haiti is one that is a more intense level. My belief is so because when one compares Haiti to Cuba it is evident that Haiti is in a more distraught state. The country has gone through a detrimental hurricane and recently a horrendous earthquake that has turned the country upside down. When looking at the history of the two countries, it is blatant to see that Haiti has dealt with more corruption in both its governmental and social construction. For these reasons, and several more, I hold a strong belief that the people from Haiti should have the same permission from the United States to enter the country.

All in all this article, though of sensitive content, was informative and brought light to some areas of the history that I was unaware of previously. Though I was able to learn an immense amount of information, my feelings towards the treatment of Haitians verse Cubans remains and the injustice that is being placed upon the Haitians is grounds for a case to built on the charges of institutional racism.

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